Thursday, August 20, 2009

Last Border

Thursday August 20 Giovedi 20 Agosto

Just 316 miles to New Mexico, one more state border, one more motel room and our trip is complete. CnC lead the way with their trusty? GPS guiding the way. I was really impressed with the interesting roads we were taking and thought Clint had worked overtime planning the route. But the same route was in my GPS and I should have seen some checkpoints and did not. It turns out that his GPS was just throwing in these interesting side roads. Good job! We can tell that school is starting soon as every little town has football signs posted. Go Panthers, Go Bulldogs, yes even Go Mules was seen as was an advertisement seeking wood donations for the pep rally bonfire. Texas is very big on high school football. We also saw lots of farm country, cotton, corn, sunflowers and of course cattle. We also saw a group of camels but the camera was too slow for a picture and we are homeward bound so there are no u-turns allowed. The terrain is very different from east Texas but then again it is 500 miles west so it should change. The weather prediction was for 90 degree heat and lots of rain. At 10:15 the temperature reached 90 degrees but there were no clouds in front of us. At noon it was a pleasant 82 degrees and low humidity, at least compared to Louisiana. All in all it was a great day for riding.

Oggi era un bel giorno per le moto, non troppo caldo e senza pioggia e venti da indietro. I campi qui are molti diversi dal est Texas ma quel'area e' 500 miglia lontano. Quest'area e' un area agricola. Molti campi grande e verde. Scuola comincera' presto e tutte le citta piccole hanno avuto cartelli entusiasmi per le squadre. La gente di Texas piace molto il sport liceo football (Americano). Finalmente abbiamo visto il cartello "Benvenuto in New Mexico". Abbiamo trovato un albergo economico per la notte e domani saremo a casa. 316 miglia

Long, straight road
Strada lunga e dritta e tipica

Cages for veal calves
Gabbie per carne di vitello

Sunflower field
Anche qui ci sono campi di fiori del sole
ma i fiori sono piu' piccoli che quelli di Toscana

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