Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Washington DC

Tuesday August 4 Martedi 4 Agosto
When the sun turned off last night the cicadas turned on and serenaded us until the wee hours of the morning. And there was a lot of them. I am lucky in that I can sleep during the racket but others could not. Finally morning came and we could pack up and go. Our mission today is just to get to Front Royal to spend the night. Oh yes, and we also intend to drive by the White House and some monuments. How hard can that be? Linda and I have been there in the 80s and the street went right by the front. We walked along it. And the GPS will instruct us on how to get there. You know what they say about the best laid plans of man and machine. It seems that many things have changed in DC since 9-11. The GPS has maps from 2008 but they are certainly not up to date. Streets that used to be usable are now blocked off. 2 way streets are now one way. But we kept trying and did manage to get a few pictures. Then we left DC and headed on to Virginia. It was an uneventful ride except for the poor bicycle rider we saw just before we arrived at Front Royal. The rider had been hit by a car and was in quite a bit of pain. We turned around to see if we could assist but the ambulance arrved just as we did so we continued back towards town. Clint and Charleen, not wanting another cicada serenade opted for a motel in town while Linda and I went on to a campground about 3 miles away. We sent up camp and then went on a ride with CnC to West Virginia which was about 35 miles away. Then we all returned to our respective home for the evening, CnC to their quiet motel and Linda to our little tent in the cicada infested forest where we had a repeat of the previous night's performance. ~190 miles

Ieri notte siamo stati nel campeggio nel bosco. C'erano troppi insetti che erano molto rumoroso quasi tutto la notte. Non era un problema per me ma gl'altri era molto difficile a dormire. Stamattina siamo andati a Washington DC. Era difficile perche' le mappe nel GPS non sono giuste (giusto?). Strade non esistono o sono senso unico adesso. Ma finalmente abbiamo fatto poche fatto e siamo partiti per la citta Front Royal dove staremmo la notte. Dopo facendo la tenda abbiamo fatto un giro in West Virginia e poi siamo ritornati al campeggio dove gl'insetti rumorosi sono cantati tutto la notte come la notte scorsa. Ma entrambi notte c'erano le lucciole che io e Linda piacciono molto e non mai vedere in New Mexico. ~190 miglia

Washington monument
Il monumento di George Washington

Tuesday night camp
Il nostro campeggio martedi sera

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