Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Seeing in the Rain

Thursday Evening Giovedi Sera

Seeing in the rain, sightseeing in the rain. With all due apologies to the original song Singing in the Rain. We left today in the rain to ride a route that I had planned for last year but could not do because of the wildfires. It was a great ride. We went north from Eureka about 2 miles and then turned east into the mountains. We did not see any straight road until Highway 5 about 180 miles later. We saw the Bigfoot Highway named after the seldom seen, maybe mythological large humanoid covered with hair creature that does wonders for tourism. We were going to ride that road on the way back but we changed our plans later in the day. We did go to Lake Trinity ignoring all of the signs warning us about 7 miles of steep, narrow, twisty road that has no snow removal. Great road! When we reached Highway 5 just north of Redding we turned north for about 10 miles of straight road just so we could remember what a straight road was. Then we turned west on the Klamath river road and followed the river for a long time. We saw many new, small, private, floating dredges cleaning the sand from the river bottom looking for gold. It looked like a lot of work to me. We changed our plan and rode north into Oregon and then turned back towards Crescent City, Calif where we rented a cabin at the KOA campground. We are on the coast so we rode into town for fish and chips and then watched the seals laying on the docks. It was getting cold so we returned to the campground for showers, bed and in my case laundry. ~360 miles today.

Redwoods, Bigfoot 002

Looking for Bigfoot on his highway

Redwoods, Bigfoot 007

Una cabina nel bosco di Redwood

Oggi e’ comciato con pioggia ancora ma dopo 3 ore c’era sole senza pioggia. Abbiamo guidato nelle montagne dove le strade sono pieno delle curve. Abbiamo visto boschi, fiumi, laghi e poche polizie. Un bel giorno. Anche abbiamo guidato ~50 miglia accanto un fiume dove la gente sta cercando per oro con apparecchi special. Mi sembra come troppo lavora. Stanotte stiamo sulla costa cosi abbiamo cenato pesce. Buono! ~360 miglia oggi, 350 miglia delle curve!!

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